• National Drug Take-Back Day 9/25/10

    On September 25, 2010, the U.S. Justice Dept Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is sponsoring a national Drug Take-Back Day in cooperation with local and state law enforcement agencies. The public can rid their medicine cabinets of no longer used prescription and over the counter medications free of charge, anonymously and no questions asked. This is a national effort to get medications out of reach of those who might be tempted to abuse them.  Collection sites will be in service from 10 Am to 2 PM. Get more information about the program and your local collection site here.  NOTE:if you get a timed out notice, look for the Start Over link…

  • Why Choose CNA as a Stepping Stone Career in the Medical Field?

    Guest Post from Catherine Bynes at CNATrainingTips.com You might want to consider training to receive your nursing assistant certification if you want to have a career in the medical field but are not yet able or ready to spend the time or money for a more advanced career.  It is not uncommon for individuals to start out as a CNA before furthering their career. There are many benefits of using a job as a CNA as a stepping-stone in the medical field.  It only takes a few weeks and a few hundred dollars to become a certified nursing assistant.  You have the opportunity to start a career in healthcare without…

  • Students Not Exploring Health Careers

    The nursing shortage may seem stalled since the economy tanked, but as the economy recovers and health care reform becomes a reality, that shortage is going to come back with a bang and we’re going to be very ill prepared to deal with it. As new reports seem to indicate, high school students are not considering careers as nurses, doctor and other health care professionals. In many cases this is because they have not been exposed to the science and math courses which would peak their interests in these career options. A background in math and science courses in secondary or high school is not an absolute, but certainly will…

  • NursingSiteNetwork Will Close Today

    I’m sorry to say that the Nursing Site Network at Ning.com will close today. Ning.com has decided to charge for hosting these networks and at this time I cannot see my way to charge readers to join to cover the costs, so have decided to let it go. We have The Nursing Site Forum hosted on Google for those of you interested in communicating with fellow nurses and nursing students, and you can follow us on Facebook for more social networking options.

  • NY Nurse Practitioner Helps Shape Lives

    Miraclebody Jeans ran a contest in April 2010 to search for women who make a difference and help shape lives. Megan Sikorski of New York was one of the four women chosen. Megan is a Nurse Practitioner in pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NY.  She is also a volunteer doula who specializes in working with under served single pregnant teens. Congratulations Megan!! You do make a difference!