It’s overwhelming to think about the number of toys that have been recalled in the past few months mostly due to lead content and other safety concerns. Our local news station alerted us to this new Widget that updates with each new recall. (See the sidebar.) I hope it’s helpful to anyone with young children in the home or family. As the holiday buying season moves into high speed with “Black Friday” next week, it’s going to be increasingly difficult to know what to buy for children. Poor Santa really has his hands full this year!
The Nursing Site Forum is open
The Nursing Site website has been set up and I am adding content everyday. As soon as I have rights to my articles from, I will post them as well. This should be around the end of November. Today I created a new discussion FORUM site for The Nursing Site. It is hosted on Google Groups. Please join and become a frequent visitor. Invite your colleagues.The address is:
Freedom Isn’t Free — Please Support Our Troops
Freedom isn’t Free! Please help support our troops. Make their holiday away from home and family a little nicer. Here’s what to send and how to send it.
Welcome to The Nursing Site. As you may know, is making changes and will disband the Nursing site. They are going to have a health care careers site and incorporate nursing into the site. I encourage you to continue to visit this new site and support They are a great site and a wonderful company to work for. I will post my articles from that site as soon as I have all rights to them again. This should be in a couple of weeks. Until then you can still access them at As I begin to set up a new website for my articles all about nursing,…