Happy Halloween! Hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday!
How Assisted-Living Facilities Endangered Patients During the Pandemic
A guest post by Farlyn Lucas Last year, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the United States and the globe, nursing homes around the nation became some of the deadliest, most dangerous places to be for elderly citizens. Eighteen months later, over 185,000 long-term care residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died, accounting for 31% of all COVID deaths in the U.S. Unfortunately, no single factor or event can explain why assisted living facilities became ground zero for the coronavirus nationwide. The deadly storm that would start to unfold in early 2020 was already years in the making. For starters, analyses of annual Medicare data suggest that…
Honors for TheNursingSite.com
I am always honored and humbled to be honored for the contribution TheNursingSite.com makes to the nursing community. A big Thank You to IntelyCare.com for their honor. They are taking the salute to the blogs a step further and offering some nice prizes. I would be very honored if you would all kindly click on this link and go to VOTE for TheNursingSite.com. There are several ways to vote and so many other nursing blogs to explore and honor as well. I have voted for my favorites, cast yours for your favorites too. THANK YOU!!
Thought for today
Coping with Compassion Fatigue: Tips to Rescue Yourself and Find Joy in Nursing Again
By Elizabeth Knight, PhD, DNP, FNP-C You’re dreading your next shift, and as you stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep, you think about calling out sick again. Work is not going well– everything and everyone is getting on your nerves. You get there late and don’t have time to get organized. You keep losing track of what you’re doing. You snapped at a patient the other day when he asked you a simple question. What’s going on? Where is the dedicated, competent, compassionate nurse you know you are? You might be experiencing a condition known as compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a state of emotional, physical, and spiritual distress triggered…