• ANA Endorses Obama

    The American Nurses Association has has announced its endorsement of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) for President in the 2008 election. The ANA has endorsed presidential candidates since 1984. The process includes inviting candidates to submit a questionnaire on nursing and health care issues and having a personal interview. ANA also considers the results of its online survey of members. Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) addressed the ANA House of Delegates in June, 2008 and spoke about the need for real change to the U.S. health care system. ANA President Rebecca M. Patton MSN, RN, CNOR, is urging nurses, who represent the largest faction of health care workers in the…

  • Never Forget 9-11-01

    Reminding all Americans to hang your flags tomorrow in honor of the thousands who were murdered on 9-11-01. God rest their souls! We shall NEVER FORGET!!!!

  • Widespread Problems with Compression Stockings

    Recently CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) announced the latest additions to the Never Events/Do Not Pay List. This is a growing list of complications which Medicare will no longer reimburse hospitals for. One of the items added to the list is blood clots which develop as a complication to hip and knee replacements. Nursezone.com has an important article highlighting a study published in the September 2008 issue of American Journal of Nursing. This study shows widespread (worldwide) problems with compression stockings. From improperly applying the stockings to inaccurate measurements and fitting, these stockings are not being used appropriately and therefore not helping to prevent the formation of blood…

  • Do You Want to Become a Nurse?

    School has started again and this year’s high school juniors and seniors are preparing for their future. If you are thinking about becoming a nurse, you should read Before You Decide to Become a Nurse. There are a lot of deadlines coming up rapidly such as college applications and NET or TEAS testing arrangements. It’s also time to explore financial aid options and start the FAFSA process. Some scholarship deadlines are rapidly approaching. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar and keep them in your sight. Nursing schools are impacted and many have long waiting lists. Each year schools turn away thousands of qualified students. Make sure you…

  • More Storms Coming Stay Prepared

    So glad Gustav wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I know it has been frustrating for those who had to leave their homes when it turned out not to be so bad, but there was significant damage to utilities and the threat was real. Better to be safe than sorry. We have to learn from history and sometimes, yes, we do over react. But no one ever wants to see another event like Katrina! It’s easy for me to say that, but I live in earthquake country where we don’t have warnings. We have what we all call “earthquake weather” where we think it’s too hot and too…