
West Virginia Nurses: Renew Licenses NOW

There are approximately 8000 nurses in West Virginia who have not yet renewed their licenses this year. The deadline is October 31, 2008. This is a change from previous years when the deadline was the end of the year. Nurses were all notified, but officials are becoming concerned.

Nurses face fines of $500 for November and $100 per month thereafter if they continue to practice without renewing their license. Facilities can be fined as well for allowing the nurses to continue to practice.

Nurses can renew licenses online at the West Virginia Board of Nursing. Payment by credit card is accepted. The cost of renewal is $35.

Some nurses have expressed difficulty in completing the required ceus in time to renew early. There are many options for ceus online. Most allow you to print your certificate immediately upon successful completion of the test. West Virginia requires 12 contact hours each year.