If you’d like to share your support of the Office of a National Nurse with the American Nurses Association, please send an email to the new CEO, Marla Weston, at marla.weston@ana.org. The ANA opposes the idea of the ONN, but have they polled the membership or do a few officers make these decisions on their own? This is a burning question. If you are a member of ANA have you been asked for your opinion about this issue, or other issues that ANA takes a stand on? Make your voice heard to the ANA on this issue. You should also read Nurse Ratched’s post.
The National Nurse & Health Care Reform
Recently, Alisa Schneider MS, RN and Teri Mills MS, RN, ANP, CNE spoke at the Democracy Fest in Burlington, VT on the subject of Health Care Reform. Alisa and Teri both spoke about the need for health care reform. Teri explained the need for an Office of the National Nurse and “quality health care that is affordable and available to everyone.” At the end of her speech, Teri had the honor to introduce Gov. Howard Dean who spoke about President Obama’s plan for health care reform and why we need this kind of reform now. The Center for Media and Democracy has video of these 3 effective speeches on their…
Link to Pete Dowan’s Tribute to Nurses
You can link to a widget for Pete Dowan’s musical tribute (Ladies in White) to nurses here.
We Need More of These Camps for Wannabe Health Professionals
There are a few of these camps but many more would be a terrific idea to encourage high school students to consider careers in health care. Here’s one in Baltimore.
The Real Moon Walk 40 Years Later…
Where were you 40 years ago today? I remember we were glued to the television set as we watched Buzz Aldrin step down at Tranquility Base on the moon, and say his famous words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” President Kennedy had said in his inaugural speech in 1961 that we would do it in that decade and we did. It was a thrilling time. I had the opportunity to visit Cape Canaveral several years ago. My children were not impressed and could not understand what I thought was so fascinating. Then when they saw the movie Apollo 13 they understood, and I realized they…