Critical thinking skills is a term nursing students and nurses will hear over and over again. They are an important aspect of quality patient care, the nursing process and a must in the list of qualifications for registered nurses. But sometimes they become very mysterious as nurses present them in publication such as white papers or a thesis and nursing students can become overwhelmed in trying to make sense of it all. It’s really not a complex concept, but is an essential one to understand. I have tried to demystify critical thinking skills. I hope this is helpful.
The Five Rights of Delegation
Delegation is an important aspect of nursing care, but it’s essential that all parties understand the rules of the game. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing issued a standard (The Five Rights of Delegation) in 1995 that remains effectively unchanged today. Make sure everyone is on the same page next time you have to delegate, or have been delegated to.
Finding an Online Nursing Program Takes Some Work
One of our sponsors,, has contributed a guest article to on how to find an online nursing program that works best for you. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the advice offered in Do Your Homework: Find the Right Online School:“If you want a degree that’s taken seriously in the workplace, you need to do two things. First, make sure you choose a school that has the proper regional accreditation. Second, if you expect the degree to earn you a promotion, make sure that you choose a program that’s appropriate for your workplace situation. While the creditability of online learning is substantial, there are still diploma mills…
Health Care Reform
Health care reform is needed in this country! Have you spent hours on the phone with an insurance company trying to get coverage for yourself, a loved on, or a patient? Until you have you won’t understand how badly this is needed. Some eighteen year old tells you NO, and the CEO is off on some private island enjoying life and his gigantic bonus while the patient has a huge gaping hole in their abdomen and is expected to do their own IVs and wound care at home….yeah that’s a real story!!! How many Americans have had to declare bankruptcy because of medical bills even WITH health insurance coverage? But…
FREE Telesummit for Caregivers
I am participating in an important FREE telesummit sponsored by The Eldercare Support Group for anyone caring for an aging patient, friend or family member such as parent, grandparent, in-law, etc.(UPDATE: My presentation will be Saturday Aug. 8 at Noon) TELESUMMIT SCHEDULE AND FREE REGISTRATION WHEN: Aug 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2009 EXPERTS: Tonia Boterf, Denise Brown, Barbara Freisner, Andrew Mayoras, Danielle Miller, Kathy Quan, Hueina Su, Shelley Webb, Brian Willie, and Jason Young To learn more about this virtual event, its speakers and how to register, visit: Beyond Coping The Joyful Art of Caregiving 2009 Telesummit Once you register, all the details about…