With the recession playing havoc with the job market, President Obama has encouraged people to get more education. For many, the prospect of attending a brick and mortar college is out of the question. Although you cannot become a nurse with online courses, online learning opportunities are available for nurses looking to expand their education. Those striving to become nurses can find some of their general education and prerequisite courses online. From one of our sponsors, eLearning.com, comes another great article about online learning opportunities.
New Products from SupportForNurses.com
If you noticed that my posts here were few and far between over the summer, I can now show you why. I was very busy updating 3 e-booklets and developing a new e-Toolkit for SupportForNurses. All of these products can be very helpful to new nurses in particular, and to experienced nurses who need some support and encouragement to deal with new challenges we face everyday. They can be useful tools for preceptors and mentors as guidelines to help new nurses come up to speed. They are also useful tools for nurse educators in nursing programs to assist students to grow into fine new nurses. Nurse educators in facilities can…
AJN Editor Supports a National Nurse
I was thrilled to see today that Diana Mason, editor-in-chief emeritus of The American Journal of Nursing has come out in support of an Office of the National Nurse after spending some time discussing the issue with nurses from the UK where they have this kind of national leadership for nurses. Read her comments in the AJN blog, Off the Charts as she poses the question, “Why doesn’t the U.S. have an Office of the National Nurse?”
09-11-01 Never Forget
Our hearts and prayers are with all who lost loved ones on that horrible day in NYC, PA, and Washington DC. Take a moment of silence to remember, and never forget!
New York Mandates Flu Shots for Nurses
Despite objection in July from the New York State Nurses Association, New York has imposed a mandate for all health care workers to be vaccinated against the flu virus this year. New York was very hard hit last spring by the H1N1 Swine flu and is experiencing another rush of the illness so far this fall. According to a survey by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) less than 50% of health care workers take the annual flu shots. There are a variety of reasons cited, but many state that they “got the flu anyway” the last time they took the shot. The moral issues weigh in as…