Nurses have battled the image of being doctor’s helpers for so long and sometimes it seems as if we have broken through that barrier, and other times it feels as if we are being stuffed right back into that box. Whether or not Congress ever gets the health care reform passed, there are many changes that must take place in order for the quality and affordability of health care to improve and meet the challenges of this new decade and beyond. Nurse practitioners have grown to be one of the most well respected branches of the nursing profession and yet the public has yet to come to the same conclusion.…
Earth Song (Why Don’t We Stand)
A nice song from Pete Dowan in honor of upcoming Earth Day. Enjoy……
What Happens When Someone Files a BRN Complaint?
Nursing is regarded as one of the most ethical professions. But nurses are human and can make mistakes, although we all strive very hard to avoid them. And over the course of my 30 years in the profession, I have to say I’ve known a few individuals who needed to (and often were) stripped of their license or sanctioned in some manner by the BRN. So what happens when a patient or family member, a physician, or co-worker files a complaint with the board of nursing? Angela Hermosillo, RN, JD, a nurse-attorney has written a nice article for Working Nurse about the process. photo: Jason Morrison
Another Great List of Blogs for Nurses
We’ve been listed in another great top list of blogs. This one is from and their list is the Top 25 Blogs for LPNs. Check it out, it’s a good list too. Thanks for the listing!
National Nurse Legislation Introduced
The Office of the National Nurse had some very good news recently. HR 4601 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) to amend the Public Service Health Act and establish an Office of the National Nurse. Read more and please comment….. You can also make a pledge to support this campaign or send a letter or call your Representatives to support the bill. Sample letter and a phone script an be found on the National Nurse Website. photo: Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)