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National Register to Vote Day

Today (Sept. 25,2018) is National Register to Vote Day. Voting is a civic duty from the time American Citizens turn 18 until they are no longer alive or capable of making an informed decision. There are NO excuses! You can also check your voter registration status.

Your rights depend on your voting wherever you live. The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming Midterm election Nov. 6 is fast approaching. For instance, in California the deadline is Oct. 22.

There are many ways to register. offers tips for each state on how to register and to vote. You may be able to register online.

Military and those living overseas can find information about registering and voting at Overseas Vote Foundation.

If you have recently been married, changed your name for other reasons, moved to a new address, didn’t vote in the last presidential election, or changed your political party affiliation you need to re-register. You MUST be registered in order to vote. Don’t procrastinate, do it TODAY!

In most states (27) you can also order a mail-in (absentee) ballot if you won’t have time/opportunity to vote in person. These ballots are not always just for shut-ins and disabled persons. Twenty states do require an excuse. With the promise of more election hacking possibilities, paper ballots may be the preferred way to vote until the issues can be addressed and resolved.Check with your state for rules on Absentee Ballots.

Did you know that 3 states, CO, WA, and OR automatically mail ballots to ever registered voter?
Voters can opt to vote in person, but have the ballot in case circumstances change.

Mail-in ballots need to be post marked by election day (or as set by state law) or can be delivered by the voter to your polling place before the polls close on Nov. 6. Please check the specifics for your state. Many states have laws protecting voters which require employers to allow time off to vote. If you don’t want to hassle with that, order your absentee ballot.

The focus TODAY is to be REGISTERED to VOTE! Help register family and friends!