
Two Great Books From Nurse Authors

It’s catch up time on Friday…..

I have read a couple of great books by nurses recently and have to share them with you. The first is The Patient’s Resource and Almanac of Primary Care Medicine by Agnes Oblas, ANP-C.  In her private practice in AZ, Agnes “does not just treat the medical symptom that her patients present to her. She works together with her patients to help resolve issues impacting the problems and to ultimately help find ways to alter risks for future illnesses.

That is a huge challenge for any practitioner, and this book shows the effort she puts forth to provide her patients with the tools to do just that. In plain English and with some terrific illustrations, Agnes describes common illnesses, medications and other treatments, and bodily functions for the lay person to easily understand. Just a few of the topics include earwax, bunions, COPD, Tuberculosis, Antioxidants, Hypertension, Headaches and Glycemic Index. She also talks about eggs, peanut butter, sugar and butter and some of the myths and truths about how they affect the health status. ANd she shares some of the famous people who have had conditions such as TB.

This book also has a chapter for the Saavy Healthcare Consumer with tips to make the most of your visit with your practitioner. It provides valuable teaching tools for the nurse as well as down to earth information for the consumer with great points to discuss with their practitioner.

Patient education is so important to preventing chronic disease and complications as well as improving the health status and to containing the skyrocketing costs of health care. Thanks Agnes for this fantastic patient teaching tool.

The second book is from well-known nurse writer/blogger, Donna Wilk Cardillo. This time she shares her own life struggles and how even though things were falling apart at various points in her life, she recognized they were actually Falling Together.

This book is well written and from the heart. It’s dark, it’s heartbreaking, it’s funny, it’s uplifting all in one easy-to-read examination of the heart and soul. It will inspire the reader to find their way no matter how lost through nurturing and self-awareness.

Learning to use our darkest moments to motivate and fuel a rebuilding is one of the greatest gifts this books offers. Finding ways to make things better and to move forward are so important to maintaining a healthy body and soul. Donna shares her ups and downs and helps us to examine our own journey to find balance, become happier, more creative and to enjoy our lives. Thanks Donna for this great book!

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