Time management skills are not easily taught in nursing school. Often because nursing students may be assigned only 1-3 patients at a time, and this barely approaches the real world scenarios that new grads are thrust into. (And remain for the duration.)
Organizational skills are the heart of the process of managing time, and if you are not organized, you will never manage your time effectively and efficiently.
- Communication is another key element and inherent in effective communication is listening as well as speaking. Communication is an art that requires constant practice.
- And the third major point is expecting the unexpected which is almost a guarantee every single shift in health care no matter the field in which you practice.
Explore with me how to begin the processes of organizing your day, communicating effectively and learning to flex with the unexpected that is inevitable. Learn how to work smarter and not harder.
While this is not rocket science, learning to better manage your time can make all the difference in the world to your performance, productivity and stress levels. Your patient outcomes will improve as well.
Take a long hard look at yourself and see where you can improve. I have often written about the subject and have now combined that information into one document.
The Ebook is now available on Kathyquan.com.
Check it out….