
Nurses Week Give Away # 5– Scrubs & Beyond $50 Gift Card

Today is the end of Nurses Week and it’s International Nurses Day. Our final Nurses Week Give Away comes from Scrubs & Beyond.

They graciously offer a $50 gift card towards a huge selection of apparel, shoes, accessories and more at

For our final Prompt: What advice would you give to a new nurse that you wished someone had given to you.

You know the drill by now:

  • Post a short answer to the Prompt either in the Comments section below 
  • Or on any of the Facebook pages where you see this posting
  • One commenter will be chosen at random

Deadline is May 15 and winners willl be posted in the blog on May 18.

Thanks for participating in our Nurses Week Give Aways! Hope you’ve had a great Nurses Week. Celebrate International Nurses Day today!!


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