
Sites You Need to Check Out

Playing catch up today. I have made many promises to mention or post links and this is going to be a grouping of those promises. There should be some very good information here so bear with me….

Scrubs are such a wonderful invention. And Uniform Advantage has published a great infographic about the Best Scrubs for your Body.  There are some very interesting points to help you looks your best. Thanks for sharing UA!

We were once again honored to be recognized by peers from NursingSchool411.com as one of the Top 50 Nursing Blogs for Students. Scroll down to the bottom fo the Home Page to find the list. (We’re #11). Thanks for the mention!!! 

A fellow nurse writer has written Nurse Your Wallet Ebook available on Amazon.com in their Kindle store. Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB helps you think outside the box about how to use your nursing education to find ways to make extra income. It’s $2.99.

Working the night shift is something most nurses have or will have to do at some point in their career. On the NurseCE4Less.com blog is a great post entitled Nursing Night Shift Tips. They have a nice collection of interesting blog posts! Check out their ceu options too.  

And finally, I found a great post by fellow nurse write, Brittney Wilson, about hw to handle the problem with nurse wannabees. It can be very frustrating to follow a medical assistant or nurses aide when the patient thinks they are the nurse and who the heck are you?! Many great nurses bridge from these careers and others continue to be great bedside assistants, but Calling Yourself a Nurse is Criminal No Less helps the licensed nurse set clear boundaries and explain the issues.