• Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career

    A Guest Post from Pamelia Brown… Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career If you currently have a family or kids on the way, a job as a full time nurse may be more demanding than you think. Many people believe nursing assistants are women or men who are solely incapable of becoming RNs, This is a very inaccurate generalization. A job as a nursing assistant can be fast-paced and fulfilling. Additionally, nursing assistants can usually work less demanding hours than full-time RNS. This is one of the main reasons people choose this career path, not due to their incompetency in any sense. As a…

  • What Nursing Shortage?!!

    As “graduation season” approaches once again, another class of nurses will be looking for jobs and many will be disappointed that there seem to be no jobs available which is not what they expected when they became nursing students. For years we have experienced and heard about this terrible shortage of nurses and if you want to walk out of school and write your own ticket, go to nursing school. And then theses students began to graduate and found they need six years of experience to get a job! What happened to the nursing shortage? Why can’t new nurses find jobs? Well in a simple explanation, the recession stalled the…

  • Help Support National Nurse Act for 2011

    In celebrating National Nurses Day and Nurses Week, we need to advocate for our profession and for our patients. A National Nurse would help us to promote the wellness model and move away from the sick care model of health care. This would bring about a healthier population and one focused on prevention and wellness. In turn this would help to reduce the costs of health care. One of the ways we can ALL help to make a National Nurse become a reality is to contact our legislators and ask them to sign on to support, and then help pass HR1119 through the House of Representatives. We also need to…