
What Happens When Someone Files a BRN Complaint?

Nursing is regarded as one of the most ethical professions. But nurses are human and can make mistakes, although we all strive very hard to avoid them. And over the course of my 30 years in the profession, I have to say I’ve known a few individuals who needed to (and often were) stripped of their license or sanctioned in some manner by the BRN.

So what happens when a patient or family member, a physician, or co-worker files a complaint with the board of nursing? Angela Hermosillo, RN, JD, a nurse-attorney has written a nice article for Working Nurse about the process.

photo: Jason Morrison stock.xchng.com


  • Anonymous

    I know of an RN who had become severely depressed and was on leave. Her psychiatrist wanted her to have ECT but she refused due to having witnessed the damage it had caused two of her friends many years before. She was immediately made an involuntary patient and the Nurses Registration Board was notified.
    She went through hell for six months, trying to prove that she was still a capable nurse.
    Her work colleagues have all said that if they ever become mentally unwell, they will go elsewhere for treatment and not say they are nurses.
    It is a pity the Board treated that nurse like they did. The stress she was put under was enormous, and it was at a time when she didn't need it.

  • Richard


    My name is Richard Hemby and I am administrator of an online education site called http://www.dnpprograms.org – a great resource for those seeking doctorate programs in nursing. Apart from the main feature of this site, we also maintain a blog site that talks about the interesting and always evolving work of nurses. It aims to promote understanding among registered nurses and the direct community it interacts with. It’s a fun-filled place packed with information about this noble profession.

    Remember that 25 Random Things About Me fad that went viral on Facebook? Well, we have created our own version, sort of. We recently posted an article entitled 25 Things You May Not Know About What Nurses Know. It’s an interesting read that puts nurses in a new light, like having to juggle the roles of being a CEO, customer service manager, crisis coordinator and medical professional all rolled in one. Intrigued? Here is the link to the article:


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