• Voices of Meningitis Initiative

    The National Association of School Nurses is hoping to help save lives this year and inform parents about the dangers of meningitis for teens and preteens ages 11-18. This can be prevented if children receive the vaccine. Actress Lori Laughlin is a mother of 3 herself and is the national spokesperson for the Voices of Meningitis Initiative. She has made a public service announcement video (see below) and along with school nurses across the country the initiative hopes to inform parents about the dangers of meningococcal meningitis. Although this disease is rare, it is also hard to recognize in early stages because the symptoms are similar to those of other…

  • How to Become a Nurse Practitioner

    For those of you thinking about becoming a nurse practitioner, be sure you understand the education process before applying to or starting an education course. All too often students find themselves in an ADN program staring at six more years of education when they could have gone into a BSN program. I always suggest that nursing students keep an open mind throughout their education because typically they will fall in love with more than one rotation, and change their minds more than once. A good six months or a year of med/surg after graduation is also a good consideration for building confidence and honing skills. But for those of you…

  • Technical Difficulties

    I have noted the fact that this site is not loading properly and am investigating it. Thanks for your patience and loyalty!!! NOT: If you have a bookmark for this site and it’s not working, then delete the bookmark and make a new one. This seems to help. Also, if you get an error message, put your cursor in the URL box at the end of the URL and hit enter. This helps to over ride the error too. Meanwhile…..I’m still tring to work with the “experts”. ~Kathy

  • Demystifying Critical Thinking Skills

    Critical thinking skills is a term nursing students and nurses will hear over and over again. They are an important aspect of quality patient care, the nursing process and a must in the list of qualifications for registered nurses. But sometimes they become very mysterious as nurses present them in publication such as white papers or a thesis and nursing students can become overwhelmed in trying to make sense of it all. It’s really not a complex concept, but is an essential one to understand. I have tried to demystify critical thinking skills. I hope this is helpful.