
Happy New Year

I always feel a little nostalgic about leaving a year behind and going into a new one, but 2008 is one of those years that isn’t too hard to say good riddance to. There were some good times, but the economic disaster certainly put a damper on it for all of us.

They say it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Isn’t that always the way? Did you think it could get much worse? It’s pretty scary to think about how much worse things can get. Being my Scarlett O’Hara self, I’ll think about that tomorrow…..today it’s time to celebrate the passing of this year and the dawning of a new one.

Hold on to the hope that 2009 will turn out to be a terrific year after a bumpy start. Party today, but be safe! Believe in the magic of the holiday season.

Happy New Year!!!

Image: Artiom Chernyshevich stock.xchang.com