The downturn in the economy has done a couple of things for the nursing profession. More nurses who have not worked as nurses for awhile have returned to active status in order to bolster their family income and to cover lost income for instance if a spouse has lost a job. This has lessened some of the nursing shortage. On the other hand, as in any industry, cut backs are likely. Where nurses are going to be most affected by this is in areas where nurse-to-patient ratios are not set and/or enforced. Mandatory overtime will also continue to be an issue, and where it has not been, expect that it…
Obama Invites Your Ideas
President-elect Obama has asked the nation to contribute ideas about the change we need to see come to fruition. You can add your ideas to the website. If you need some ideas here are a few: Teri Mills MS, ANP,CNE, RN would love for as many nurses as possible to visit The National Nurse site to learn more about this proposed program and then to send a personal vision note to the Obama site. This could certainly help nursing move forward. If your facility has a particularly bad or good set of working conditions for nurses and the nursing profession, please be sure to send along your ideas and help…