The American Nurses Association has endorsed the Obama Biden ticket for President and VP in the 2008 election. To find out more about why the ANA believes Obama and Biden will be a better choice to help nurses, see the new website they have created to help voters make an informed choice. Information and materials are available from this site for nurses to educate others.
ANA Endorses Obama
The American Nurses Association has has announced its endorsement of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) for President in the 2008 election. The ANA has endorsed presidential candidates since 1984. The process includes inviting candidates to submit a questionnaire on nursing and health care issues and having a personal interview. ANA also considers the results of its online survey of members. Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) addressed the ANA House of Delegates in June, 2008 and spoke about the need for real change to the U.S. health care system. ANA President Rebecca M. Patton MSN, RN, CNOR, is urging nurses, who represent the largest faction of health care workers in the…
Pay Attention to the Political Conventions
The political race in the U.S. has been a long one this time around, but as the parties head to their conventions, platforms will become more clear and we’ll begin to understand more about where Obama and McCain stand on health care and issues involving solving the shortage of nurses. No matter what your political preferences, we need to pay close attention to these issues. The nursing shortage and health care crisis in this country are very important issues in this election and how the next administration approaches them. I hope you will all take some time to listen and read about the proceedings taking place in Denver this week…
Michigan Funds Program to Help High School Students Prepare for Nursing School
Here’s a perfect example of why nurses should pay attention to political issues. The state of Michigan is funding a program to better prepare high school students for nursing school. One of the reasons nursing students don’t succeed in nursing school is that they have difficulties with the math or reading. This poor success rate is why so many nursings schools have now instituted entrance exams to exclude students who don’t have the math, reading and science skills to pass. This type of program is designed to help high school students achieve the necessary math, science and reading skills to succeed and to eventually become nurses and help to solve…
Important Political Issues for Nurses in 2008
Even if you’re not interested in politics, political events affect your life as a nurse everyday. Politics affects our patients and the corporations or small business we work for. Like it or not, nurses need to become informed about the issues at stake in their homelands and how political candidates stand on these issues. Nurses need to make their voices heard and know who to contact. Most importantly, nurses need to vote! Livesmarter suggests The 10 Most Important Political Issues for Nurses in 2008 include such matters as health insurance, education, media image, staffing levels, and drug companies. A National Nurse in America is another suggested point.