• How to Give an IM Injection

    One of the most popular articles on nursing.About.com was How to Give an IM Injection. I just added it to The Nursing Site. I also noticed that the Celebrate Nurses page is getting some views. I will add content there this week. Meanwhile, you can also add a comment on the FB Nursing Site Page about your thoughts, ideas, concerns etc. about Nurses Week. This usually sparks some discussion as so many nurses feel that Nurses Week is silly, pretentious, and they never have had any good experiences with it. Bring on the discussion!!!!

  • Head to Toe Assessment

    A head to toe assessment involves assessment of the 11 body systems including Neuro, Respiratory, Circulatory, Integumentary, GI, GU, Reproductive, Muscular, Skeletal, Endocrine, Lymphatic/Immune systems. One of my most popular articles has always been the Head to Toe Assessment.   Student nurses and nurse educators have used this page quite often, and I have posted it on [UPDATED LINK] ANewNurse.com today. I have added a few recommended books at the bottom of the page for further reading on assessment skills for nurses. Photo: Dilated pupils by Kathy Quan

  • Finding an Accredited Nursing Program

    How do you find an accredited nursing program? What is an accredited program and Why does it have to be accredited? These are important questions to understand and consider in searching for a nursing program that fits with your own criteria. There are other factors to consider as well. What does impacted mean? Along with the shortage of nurses, we have a shortage of nurse educators and this means that nursing programs are overcrowded and many have long waiting lists. Candidates who are at the top of their game are usually the first ones to get admitted. One way to hedge your bets is to apply to several programs. Find…

  • Adding Content to The Nursing Site

    I have begun the tedious task of adding content to The Nursing Site from the old Nursing.About.com. I started with “How to Become a Nurse” articles and have a few others up as well. I estimate this is going to take a few weeks to get it done right so please bear with me, and if you’d like to know when it’s all done, please be sure to subscribe to the feed for this blog, and join the Forum. The links for these are in the sidebar. Many thanks to all of you who have written to encourage me!!!

  • Update on The Nursing Site

    I’ve been given permission to repost my content from About.com and so I will begin to upload as much as I can over the next few days. This will be an ongoing process and I will add new content as well. Thanks for your loyalty. If you have suggestions for content or would like to write a guest article, please Email me at: kathyquan@roadrunner.com. As always, please understand that all content (including artwork and photos) here is copyrighted and if you want to use it in part or in full, you MUST Email me at kathyquan@roadrunner.com for permission first. That includes posting blocks of my text on your blog! It…