• Support Safe Staffing as Nurses Week Project

    Beginning Monday, May 5, the American Nurses Association asks all nurses to call, Email, or FAX their Senators and Representatives and encourage them to honor nurses during Nurses Week (May 6-12) by co-sponsoring the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act of 2007 (S.73/H.R.4138). The bill was introduced in the Senate by Daniel Inoye (D-HI) and in the House by Lois Capps (D-CA) and Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL). (Rep. Capps is an RN.) According to the ANA, this bill would hold hospitals accountable to establish “valid, reliable, unit-level nurse staffing plans.” The plans would be developed by direct-care RNs and would be based on the unique needs and characteristics of the unit. Encourage…

  • Nurses Week Approaching

    Nurses Day and Nurses Week are rapidly approaching. I hope you and your facility have something exciting planned to honor your nursing staff. If not, it’s not to late to set something up. Remember, you cannot expect unrealistic goals and outcomes. This is not a time when the administration is going to grant huge raises, or tell you they’ve been able to hire many more nurses to relieve your staffing issues. Even if they forgo the trinkets, you’re not going to see that money suddenly become a huge budget for raises and benefits. So be gracious and accept that water bottle or key chain as a token of their appreciation…

  • A Tribute to Nurses

    A Nurse Is More©Richard G. Shuster (used with permission) A Nurse is more, Why?Though nobody, can say why, for sure,Nurse’s desire, for service, is pure.Not for themselves, it has to be for others.A life dedicated, to their sisters and their brothers. A Nurse is more, How?Through reserves, of strength, care and love,Nurses take their lead, from the power above.Above and beyond, their duty comes first.Their patient’s needs paramount, before even hunger and thirst. A Nurse is more, When?When we need them the most, at our times of ill,Nurses come through, with their care and goodwill.When we feel we can’t go on, and wish, to give up the ghost.That’s when our…

  • Gift Ideas for Nurses Week

    If you are looking for inexpensive ideas to add to your celebration of Nurses Week with your staff, check out the options on my website HousecallsOnline.com. There are two different Print Your Own kits which includes a card, a bookmark, a certificate of appreciation and postcards. You can also print paper nurse’s caps for decorations. There are also options available from Cafe Press which include tote bags, journals, apparel, and an adorable Teddy Bear. Similar items are available from The Nursing Site shop at Cafe Press as well. Be sure to take the opportunity to celebrate the nursing profession. One of the best ways to do this is to devote…

  • Nurses Day and Nurses Week Themes Announced

    Annual celebrations of the nursing profession will take place in a few weeks. In the U.S., National Recognition Day for Nurses (aka Nurses Day) is May 6 and Nurses Week is May 6-12. In 1996, the American Nurses Association initiated National RN Recognition Day as May 6 as well. May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. In honor of this, the International Council of Nurses recognizes May 12 each year since 1965 as International Nurses Day. This year the American Nurses Association has set the theme for Nurses Week as Nurses Making a Difference Everyday. The Canadian Nurses Association will reprise its 2007 theme Think you…