• Issues for Men in Nursing

    If you are a man considering a career in nursing, or are already a male nurse, here’s a great article from the UCSF School of Nursing. It contains valuable information and multiple resources for male nurses. Photo: Microsoft.com For centuries, nursing was man’s work. And now we struggle to get men to become nurses. In the 21st century it seems hard to believe, but the issue of gender is still a huge barrier and stigma. Nursing is a profession and not a gender. The AAMN (American Assembly for Men in Nursing) has set a goal to have 20% on the student nurse population be men by 2020 (20×20 campaign) and…

  • Nursing is Not a Gender

    As Nurses Week continues, let’s remember that nursing is not a gender, it is a profession. In fact, the first nurses were men, and men dominated the nursing profession for centuries. Today, men make up about 6-7% of the civilian nursing workforce in the U.S. In the U.S. military, men make up about 35% of the nursing workforce. The art of nursing is not just for women. Help us to grow the nursing workforce by encouraging others (men and women alike) to become nurses. photo: Microsoft.com