• Please Support Legislation for NP’s to Order and Oversee Care Plan in Home Healh Care

    The Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act of 2015, a measure aiming to permit nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, physician assistants and certified nurse midwives to sign off on home health care plans and authorize Medicare patients for home health benefits has been gaining momentum in the U.S. Houses of Congress. http://www.freeimages.com/photographer/bacall213-37973 The Senate Bill is S578 and the House Bill is HR 1342. The bills are identical and support has been growing in recent weeks due to a new wave of bipartisan support. Many people rely on NPs and PAs as their primary care providers making this crucial legislation to reduce costs and improve outcomes for patients with a…

  • Another Way to Honor the Nursing Profession During Nurses Week

    Do something for YOU and your fellow nurses to celebrate Nurses Week….. Call or email your Senators and Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor legislation in the House or Senate that improves Home Health Care and allows for Advance Practice nurses such as NPs. Clinical Nusre Specialists and Nurse Midwifes to sign orders for home health care for their patients. This is LONG OVERDUE. Read more….

  • Review Draft Competencies for Clinical Nurse Specialists

    The ANA (American Nurses Assoc.) is asking nurses to review the draft competencies and specific behaviors for entry-level Clinical Nurse Specialists and to take a survey which rates theses items and provides feedback about how these competencies reflect the current practice and academic preparation in your role as a CNS. The information and survey will be available until May 24,2008.