• AJN Editor Supports a National Nurse

    I was thrilled to see today that Diana Mason, editor-in-chief emeritus of The American Journal of Nursing has come out in support of an Office of the National Nurse after spending some time discussing the issue with nurses from the UK where they have this kind of national leadership for nurses. Read her comments in the AJN blog, Off the Charts as she poses the question, “Why doesn’t the U.S. have an Office of the National Nurse?”

  • ANA Endorses Obama

    The American Nurses Association has has announced its endorsement of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) for President in the 2008 election. The ANA has endorsed presidential candidates since 1984. The process includes inviting candidates to submit a questionnaire on nursing and health care issues and having a personal interview. ANA also considers the results of its online survey of members. Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) addressed the ANA House of Delegates in June, 2008 and spoke about the need for real change to the U.S. health care system. ANA President Rebecca M. Patton MSN, RN, CNOR, is urging nurses, who represent the largest faction of health care workers in the…