Well said Rita!!! Here’s a great take on the subject from The Nurses’ Nurse… the National Nurse is a matter of national security!!! Read more….
Handwashing RAP
Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)kill. Nurses and health care professionals in ALL settings must wash their hands frequently to maintain safe sanitary conditions for their patient and themselves. Here’s a cute RAP video to help remind you and your colleagues of the importance of using sanitizers or plain old soap and water to stop the spread of germs.
Nominate Your MVP
Do you have an MVP in your life? Nominate that Most Valuable Person at Brandman University’s Facebook site by June 22 at 1:00PM and they may have an opportunity to be honored at an AngelsĀ® baseball game on July 20th in Anaheim, CA. You’ll receive 2 ticket vouchers just for nominating your MVP, and your nominee can be eligible to receive 2 vouchers as well. Login at Facebook and see all the details.
Everything New Nurse Book Second Edition
UPDATE: The Everything New Nurse Book Second Edition is available for purchase from Amazon. It was published Nov. 18, 2011. And you can follow us on Facebook. Please “Like” the page. Thanks!!!
Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career
A Guest Post from Pamelia Brown… Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career If you currently have a family or kids on the way, a job as a full time nurse may be more demanding than you think. Many people believe nursing assistants are women or men who are solely incapable of becoming RNs, This is a very inaccurate generalization. A job as a nursing assistant can be fast-paced and fulfilling. Additionally, nursing assistants can usually work less demanding hours than full-time RNS. This is one of the main reasons people choose this career path, not due to their incompetency in any sense. As a…