• Handwashing RAP

    Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)kill. Nurses and health care professionals in ALL settings must wash their hands frequently to maintain safe sanitary conditions for their patient and themselves. Here’s a cute RAP video to help remind you and your colleagues of the importance of using sanitizers or plain old soap and water to stop the spread of germs.

  • Nominate Your MVP

    Do you have an MVP in your life? Nominate that Most Valuable Person at Brandman University’s Facebook site by June 22 at 1:00PM and they may have an opportunity to be honored at an AngelsĀ® baseball game on July 20th in Anaheim, CA. You’ll receive 2 ticket vouchers just for nominating your MVP, and your nominee can be eligible to receive 2 vouchers as well. Login at Facebook and see all the details.

  • Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career

    A Guest Post from Pamelia Brown… Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Nursing Assistants: Balancing a Family and a Career If you currently have a family or kids on the way, a job as a full time nurse may be more demanding than you think. Many people believe nursing assistants are women or men who are solely incapable of becoming RNs, This is a very inaccurate generalization. A job as a nursing assistant can be fast-paced and fulfilling. Additionally, nursing assistants can usually work less demanding hours than full-time RNS. This is one of the main reasons people choose this career path, not due to their incompetency in any sense. As a…