A Guest post from Robert Hauser… All medical professionals should have a good malpractice policy in place, including nurses. A lot of nurses think they are immune from malpractice claims; after all, it is doctors who are most commonly sued, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case. Nurses can be sued for malpractice as well, and a nurse who is not protected by a nursing liability insurance policy is in danger of losing his or her career and even being forced into bankruptcy. Malpractice is defined as damage or injury to a patient that is the result of misconduct, negligence or breach of duty on the part of a professional…
Top 50 You Tube Videos About Nursing Specialties
Nursing offers so many specialties, but too many nurses feel stuck and have no idea how to find information about a specialty, much less how to move their career in that direction. Here’s a great site with links to all sorts of opportunities for nurses wishing to advance their careers and education.
Nursing Receives $71M Influx From Grants :: Dorland Health
Nursing Receives $71M Influx From Grants :: Dorland Health
Nursing Strategies: Understanding the Sources & Costs of Conflict – Hot Topics – Healthcare – American Sentinel University Blog
Nursing Strategies: Understanding the Sources & Costs of Conflict – Hot Topics – Healthcare – American Sentinel University Blog
Please Help With Surveys
My friends at BestNursingDegree.com are putting together some information for new nurses and they have designed a couple of surveys to help them gather the data and information to make this useful. They have 2 surveys designed to help gather this information. Please take a few minutes to give your input. Thanks! What is the Nursing Field Really Like? Your Top NCLEX Study Tips