Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) was a nurse before she became a Congresswoman. Today she addressed Congress to honor nurses during Nurses Week, and encouraged the support of The National Nurse Act of 2011 a cost neutral, bipartisan act which she introduced in Congress last year. Her words say it eloquently. Sponsored by Keiser University’s Online Nursing Degree
Nurses Week Give Away
In honor of Nurses Week (May 6-12) –US dates– I will be giving away 5 autographed copies of my book, The Everything New Nurse Book, Second Edition. To be eligible to win you have to LIKE all 3 of my pages on Facebook: Kathy Quan RN BSN You may also want to join TheNursingSite Group, but this is not mandatory. Members will be included in the drawing as well. If you also post on one of the pages what your employer is doing for Nurses Week, you’ll get your name in the basket twice. GOOD LUCK and HAPPY NURSES WEEK!!!!! NOOK® Special Offer – Save $20 on NOOK,…
Nurses Who Blog
I get asked a lot about how I got started blogging and was recently interviewed by Lisette Hilton for an article in It’s a great article with tips and information from several nurses who blog. It’s a good place to start for those of you who’d like to learn to blog about nursing or whatever your passion may be. I got my start working for as the (last) guide to Nursing. It was a terrific learning experience. When disbanded the Nursing site, I started up this blog to carry on. Many of my articles appear on Writing guest posts for other sites is a great…
Making Nurses WANT to Stay — Food for Thought
As the economy begins to recover, more nurses will retire or return to retirement and the nursing shortage will be in full bloom once again. Hospitals need to seriously prepare for this eventuality and start looking hard at ways to keep nurses around. Other employers should sit up and take note as well. An excellent article appeared a few months ago on Michelle Gray-Bernhardt takes a long honest look at 5 Ways to Make Nurses Want to Stay at Your Hospital. The article looks at issues such as nurse staffing, floating, mandatory overtime, bullying of nurses, non-nursing tasks and interruptions and bad managers. Perhaps the biggest keyword here is…
Losing Patient Centered Care to Economics??
I certainly hope we can ALL come together as nurses and work to ensure that this does NOT become a trend. The Amanda Trujillo case shows we are headed in that direction. Read this excellent blog post from Nurse Ratched.