The National Nurse Act of 2011 (HR 3679) continues to gain support across the country; the latest coming from the NY Assembly. See the National Nursing Network Organization Web Log for details. This act is cost neutral and non-partisan. As preventable diseases continue to rise and drive the cost of health care ever higher (at a time when we can least afford it) the need for public health education is more important than ever. Almost half of Americans are health care illiterate essentially meaning they don’t know what they don’t know and therefore can’t find out answers to help them lead healthier lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases and/or the complications…
How to Become a Certified Nursing Assistant
A post from Allison at CNA Training 101… The heath care industry is one of the fastest growing industries today. With just a little bit of knowledge and certification, you can be a part of it and earn a lot of money. Being a certified nursing assistant can be a great career option and you can earn a good income while helping others in the path of recovery. But the question is how to become a certified nursing assistant? Many young people are trying to find the best answer for this question and here I will let you know the most effective of them. Scope And Opportunities Of Nursing Assistant…
The Everything New Nurse Book Honored
Many thanks to for selecting my first book, The Everything New Nurse Book as one of the Top 50 Must Read Nursing Books for 2012. (See number 9 in Non- Fiction). Also note that there is a SECOND Edition for this book as well. Both are available on
Memorial Day
Honoring all of the nurses in the armed forces (men and women alike) who have and continue to make a difference for all of us through wartime and peacetime THANK YOU!!
Win $25 Ecard for Scrubs
We have the 5 winners of the Nurses Week contest. See the post on Facebook. Recently Uniform Advantage kindly offered me two $25 e-card (gift cards) for purchasing scrubs from their vast line of uniforms. So in honor of Memorial Day weekend, I’m going to run another contest this week on Facebook. RULES: Photo: 1) You must LIKE The Nursing Site on Facebook (if you haven’t already done so) 2) AND Post something about how scrubs work for you. The drawing will be held on June 2, 2012. The 2 winners will be notified by private message on Facebook and posted on TheNursingSite page on Facebook. Good luck!