• Nursing Shortage Rearing Its Head Again

    The nursing shortage was never resolved. It was sort of put on hold when the economy tanked. Nurses of the Baby Boom generation were poised to retire, but the majority of them were forced to continue working for financial survival. Others had to return to work in order to make it through some of the toughest economic times ever. The impact has been that new grad nurses have had an impossible time finding work; something that has been unheard of for several decades. Now that the economy is in a recovery mode, Baby Boomers are retiring and the shortage of nurses is becoming a nightmare. The severity of the situation…

  • NAQC : Guiding Principles for Patient Engagement

    The Nursing Alliance for Quality Care (NAQC) recently released Guiding Principles for Patient Engagement. This list of nine core principles is designed to assist nurses and other health care providers in delivering high-quality, patient-centered care through full engagement in all aspects of their care. Many of these principles are things that we as nurses do every day, but NAQC reminds us that these things are all central to improving and maintaining high quality patient centered care. The principles include: ·         There must be a dynamic partnership among patients, their families and the providers of their health care, which at the same time respects the boundaries of privacy, competent decision-making and…

  • Take the Nurse Satisfaction Survey

    I recently received an invitation to blog about this survey from Michelle Gray-Bernhardt at IVantageHealth.com  Nurse Satisfaction – A Quick Snapshot “Satisfied employees help a hospital run to its optimum performance. In the new healthcare environment, nurses are frequently asked to do more with less – to take on more patient care and other tasks with fewer resources. How does this impact nurse satisfaction? We asked nurses. If they are not satisfied, what are the biggest points of contention? 100 nurses from both community and larger hospitals provided insight in our recent “Nurse Satisfaction Survey”. The good news is that nurses are generally happy in their positions. There is, however,…

  • Senseless Colorado Massacre

    https://www.facebook.com/MarkRantal Our hearts and thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends in Aurora, CO. This senseless massacre leaves us all shocked and saddened. May the healing come soon. Hopefully we can eventually glean some insight in to how to prevent such unnecessary tragedy in the future. No one should ever have to fear for their life going to the movies. And neither should we have to have metal detectors everywhere. One thing is for certain, we need more and better mental health care for one thing to help ease the pain of these disturbed individuals who wreak pain and suffering upon the innocent.