• Did I Ignore Your Query About Posting on My Site?

    Dear Guest Posting Inquirer; Sorry, but today I’m on a rant!!!  I’ve received one too many angry emails. Everyday I get at least a few emails inquiring about guest posting on my blog. Sometimes I get follow-ups to the follow-ups from now angry people because I didn’t respond to their query. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to respond to all of these emails. I will admit, I’m VERY picky about what gets posted on my sites!!! I value my readers most of all and I value my time. I very rarely allow guest posting on any of my sites and I ONLY consider it when I get an original,…

  • Helping Others Beome Nurses

    Ask any nurse about the reasons s/he became a nurse and somewhere in that conversation will be a discussion about a passion for helping others. Additionally, nurses are also known to be passionate about helping others join the profession of nursing. Greg, the spouse of a loyal reader of this blog, recently told me about a project his wife has gotten involved in because her passion for helping others led her to help others become nurses. She has taken this passion to the global level where a team of determined people have a goal of financially assisting 5 Haitian students become nurses so they can help save lives in their…

  • Wireless Nurse Call Systems Deciphered

    By Rebecca Jones The saying goes, “it’s a matter of life and death” and when someone’s survival and life is at risk, this is when things should be taken seriously. So often we worry about menial, insignificant things which, in the great scheme of things, when properly thought about are not important at all. However when it comes to our mortality, we more often than not forget to cast our minds over this subject and only really think about the fragility of our lives when it comes into question. With an increasingly aging global population and numerous people taken into hospital everyday as well as care homes, it is essential…

  • Support Growing for a National Nurse

    As we continue to transition into a wellness model for health care and leave the sick model behind, we have to change our focus. In doing so we prioritize prevention and proactive measures to improve our health status and that of our patients. Our job as nurses will continue to include more and more patient education and holistic care. Not only will we continue to educate patients about their current health status and diseases, but we will focus heavily on preventing disease and complications in order to improve outcomes and general health status. A National Nurse for Public Health will help to set the tone and lead the charge to…

  • The NCLEX and Finding that First Nursing Job

    Nurses never learn all they need to know in nursing school. It’s just not possible. In a given graduating class you will find a wide variety of skills and knowledge base. Some of it is dependent on the students themselves and how aggressively they sought out opportunities, and some depends on the faculty and how well they assisted all students to find opportunities to observe and practice their skills and knowledge. Nursing is also a lifelong learning experience. Technology changes, medical science advances, and new treatments and pharmacology become available constantly. What you have learned to date will change sooner than you might think. stock.xchng.com For new grads the challenges…