October is Breast Cancer Month and as such is an easy way to remind women to have their annual mammogram. Some prefer to schedule in their birthday month, or have some other way of remembering. What ever your choice, please be sure to schedule it and remind the other women in your life to have one as well. The National Breast Cancer Foundation offers an abundance of information and resources such as educational materials about monthly self examination and how to find sources for those who need financial assistance with mammography. image: http://pinkforoctober.org/badges.html
Career Advancement Opportunities for Medical Assistants
When considering nursing as a career, you might want to look at a few other healthcare career options and advancement opportunities for comparison. Here’s a great post from Sandra Mills. ~ Kathy You already know that you want to be a medical assistant, or maybe you’ve already been in the industry for a few years. Medical assistant schools can offer a rewarding career for life, but some professionals want to go above and beyond the call of duty. Maybe you’re considering specializing in a specific field or taking your education to the next level. Medical assisting is a fantastic career in and of itself, but what happens when you want…
Stain Removal Guide
Nurses are the most trusted professionals year after year in the Gallup Poll. Nurses try hard to maintain that level of professionalism despite all of the spills and stains they are unable to avoid each day. It’s not always easy to get those stains out! One of the sponsors of TheNursingSite.com, Uniform Advantage, has derived this terrific stain removal guide. I hope you find it useful! Anything that reduces laundry struggles for me is worth it’s weight in gold!! P.S. Check out the scrubs at Uniform Advantage too!
If Rosie Can Rivet, Why Can’t I Go to Nursing School?
By Linda Bright Introduction: It’s no secret that male nurses are more common than ever. What many people don’t realize is that many male nurses still struggle with stigmatization as a result of their chosen career. It doesn’t seem to matter how many people male nurses help or how many lives they save—there’s always someone trying to argue that nursing isn’t a “masculine” profession. For many people, the stigmatization that surrounds male nursing is so significant that it actually deters many them from pursuing nursing as a career. A study conducted by Duke University back in April discovered that most male undergraduates don’t consider a career in nursing since it…
Resources for Your Nursing Education
It’s that time of year again when students start back to school and high school seniors begin to apply to schools to advance their education. Those considering careers in nursing should check out some of my articles on TheNursingSite.com such as assistance in selecting accredited nursing programs and searching for ways to finance their nursing education with grants, loans and scholarships. For students who are still unsure about their choices, you might want to read some of these articles Before You Decide to Become a Nurse. And for young men considering a career in nursing here are some resources just for you. Nursing is a fine and noble profession with…