• Reflect Back and Reward Yourself — You Are a Nurse, You Make a Difference!

    As 2013 comes to a close in the next 12 days, it’s time to reflect back on the year and find joy and rewards in the care you have given your patients. Take credit for making a difference is someone’s life. Feel honored and respected and appreciated even though there may have been few “Thank You’s” or little recognition of your efforts. This is part of being a nurse. More often than not, we don’t see our patients through to the ultimate outcome of their illness or injury. They are long gone from our care when they feel better and would express appreciation. Nurses make their own rewards. http://mrg.bz/cm6n2X I’m…

  • As the Holiday Season Takes Hold…..

      http://mrg.bz/WEcJyN Hope you will all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this Thursday. And a Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate as your special days overlap with Thanksgiving. The holiday season will be in full bloom in a few short days. Remember, we nurses work in a highly stressful profession and when we add in the stress of the holidays and the typical overachiever personality of nurses there can be some explosive results. Stop and enjoy the moment. Smell the pine cones and the candles and enjoy the times you have with loved ones. Make memories and give them your undivided attention as much as possible. Happy Holidays!!!!

  • Nurses Be Kind to Yourself

    I have always said and will repeat it again: nursing is one of the most rewarding careers, but it is also one of the most challenging; both physically and emotionally. Therefore it is essential for nurses as the premiere level of caregivers to set the bar high to take care of you! Nurses are the worst at taking care of themselves so it’s time to once again nag and encourage you to try again to make you a priority. Nurses be kind to yourself and set a good example for your patients, their loved ones and caregivers. Always make sure your body mechanics are correct and if they aren’t STOP…

  • Top Career Tips for Nurses

    The healthcare sector is in constant demand for nurses and it is one of the only sectors that is showing a constant demand for qualified personnel. Nursing is one of the areas where countless students are taking up studies and looking to begin their nursing careers. Understanding the job market and taking the right steps in your area of study will help you secure your nursing career. These are some tips you can use if you are planning to pursue a career in nursing. Educational Qualifications Obviously the first step in securing your nursing career is examining your educational qualifications. There are different educational qualifications required to become a nurse;…