Wearing white is synonymous with nurses although for a long while now nurses have worn colorful uniforms and scrubs. Scrubs have come to be the most popular choice. And with so many options they will never be considered to be boring as was the old white nurses uniform and cap. Did you ever wonder why you are drawn to specific color scrubs, or why a facility or educational institute might favor a specific color? I find myself drawn to blue first and then to other colors. What about you? Check out this color info-graphic from Uniform Advantage on Color Psychology. View their online catalog for some terrific choices. P.S.…
Landau “Making Lives Better” Nursing Scholarship
Are you a nursing student or recently been accepted into nursing school? Are you excited about becoming a nurse but worried about the costs of education? If you are, don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity coming on February 4, 2014! Landau Uniforms is reaching out to current and aspiring nursing students interested in furthering their education to offer them the opportunity to win one of four $2,500 scholarships through the Landau “Making Lives Better” Scholarship! So, don’t forget! You have from February 4th through April 10th to APPLY for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship from Landau Uniforms. Applicants limited to ONE entry. Winners will be announced the…
Now That’s How to Choose a Nursing Program
Looking for a great nursing program? Here are 30 schools all across the US that you might want to consider. Most boast that admission criteria is strict! But these are some of the most fascinating schools and programs around. Nursing School Hub compiled this list of the Top 30 Cutting Edge Nursing Schools and each school had to fit at least one of the following criteria: Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt Univ. in Nashville, TN amazing architecture cutting edge technology / infrastructure world class facilities world class faculty world class opportunities for experience recognition by other publications (such as US News & World Report) Many of these schools…
Self-care From the Floor Up
By Ashley Gainer We have all experienced long days spent standing, walking, reaching, rushing, pushing, and doing countless other things that keep us on our feet. It’s not uncommon to experience significant, if not excruciating, pain at the end of these long days – especially if we have multiple days in a row without much opportunity for a break. Having a hot soak and a foot rub can work wonders to relieve tired, aching feet, but many of us simply lack the time and a spare pair of hands to go through that routine each night. Fortunately, there are other things we can do to provide some relief. I don’t…
Happy New Year!
Each new year represents a blank page for us to begin a new chapter of our journey. This opens up many many possibilities. Take time to reflect on the past and think carefully about the direction you wish to head in for this new chapter. Hopefully your path will bring you many new experiences and memories to cherish. Prepare to hit some bumps in the road and a few forks that will cause you to pause and question which way to go. Trust your gut feelings and once in awhile stick your neck out there and take a little risk. Look for the good in things and know in your…