• Where Do You Take Your Career as an Older Nurse?

    Ugh I guess I have to admit I’m an older nurse now. My current role as QI (for hospice) automatically makes me one of the people you love to hate, but I always hope I don’t come off as old and outdated like some of those “older” nurses we always hated and hoped would retire SOON — like today! I left hospital nursing behind me years ago and became a home health nurse which I dearly loved. It gave me freedoms, yet responsibility and a need to be able to work with little supervision. This required a strong work ethic and the ability to work autonomously. I finally felt like…

  • Help Nurses Thrive in Their Roles with Ongoing Feedback

    Nursing is and always will be challenging. Nurses hold people’s lives in their hands and to continue to be great nurses, we must always strive to improve the quality of care we provide. That isn’t easy if we don’t have proper feedback, and the information necessary to help us improve. Feedback is essential to helping nurses thrive and grow in their roles.  Ever Changing Regs and Challenges In today’s healthcare environment we meet many challenges everyday that perhaps didn’t exist even a few months ago. One major goal no matter what your niche, is to reduce costs while maintaining quality. The challenge then becomes how to work smarter and not…

  • Avoiding Caregiver Fatigue

    Sorry to be a little late with this today. We are having very high winds, temperatures and fires in So. CA so the power is wildly fluctuating. I’m trying my best to get this done quickly now. The winds and heat can be so annoying, but also play havoc with health issues. So can the extreme cold, snowy, rainy weather that most of the country has dealt with for months this year and continues long into the Spring. We always take the time to educate our patients in how to stay warm or cool. How important fluid intake is especially with extremes in weather. That winds drive the pollen and…

  • Nurses Week Give Aways

    Nurse week begins Tuesday, May 6 and runs through Monday, May 12. You can find more information about the history of Nurses Week on TheNursingSite.com There are a lot of events taking place to honor nurses. Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson was the first nurse elected to Congress. Last week she introduced House Resolution 540 to recognize nurses and Nurses Week. The American Nurses Association chose the theme Nurses Leading the Way……. and on Wednesday, May 7 at 1:00PM EDT the ANA is sponsoring a FREE webinar for nurses Transforming Healthcare Through Nursing Leadership. Nurses can earn 1 CEU free. Register now. The Nerdy Nurse is sponsoring a Tweet Chat…

  • Isn’t Collaboration in Nursing Something We Do Everyday?

    This post is part of a collaboration with other nurse bloggers through The Nurse Blog Carnival.  Keith and Kevin from RNFM Radio are hosting this months enlightening round which will be posted on 4/15/14. Collaboration in nursing is a term that can sound overwhelming and off-putting to many. In truth it’s probably something that you do everyday without even thinking about it. It’s not necessary for every situation, but when it is needed, the outcomes can be compromised if nurses are unwilling or unable to participate. If you stop and think about it, physicians have been collaborating for forever. When the generalist needs advice about a specific problem he calls…