By Linus Minick There has never been a better time to become a nurse! While you have probably already heard of the current nursing shortage throughout the world, this trend is predicted to continue into 2016. Studies show that about 233,000 additional jobs for registered nurses will open in 2016, but only 200,000 candidates passed the Registered Nurse licensing exam in 2015. While this is putting more demand on current health care staff, this also means that getting an education in nursing is highly employable. In fact between the years 2012 and 2020, employment for nursing is expected to grow by 19%. The increased demand for nurses is multi-faceted, including…
Technology and Nursing: How Tech Savvy Should Nurses Really Be?
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Social Skills in Nursing – Introversion and Shyness
As a nurse, you’ll be in a field where talking is encouraged – it’s the nature of the job. It’s not your typical 9-5 office job where many people have limited communication because they are too busy doing technical work on the computer, etc. In the nursing field, you’re always interacting with your co-workers, your manager, and the patients. Social skills in nursing will surely benefit you. I’m Shy and Introverted… Is Nursing for Me? Many people who are shy and introverted have a tendency to be much less social than their counterparts – extroverted people who live off of social interaction. Those who are shy question whether or not…
Can You Find That Vein??? An Affordable Product Can Help
A few weeks ago, I received an email from Matt at, asking if I would be willing to review this product. I’d seen it and some of the competitors products online and they certainly look like the could save a a lot of time and painful sticks for blood draws and IVs. I received a box with 4 Illumivein flashlights in it and I have spent some time playing with one. Initially, I have to say I really didn’t think it worked all that well. Then I saw that you should try it with dim light in the room (I have to admit I’m one to jump in and…
7 Healthy Snacks for Nurses on the Go
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