The issue of healthcare illiteracy continues to grow especially as technology advances in healthcare practice. Only about 12% of the population can speak “medicalese.” Nurses and doctors speak with a mumbo jumbo of healthcare communication techniques and vocabulary that more often than not serve to confuse and bewilder patients and family members at some of the most significant points in their lives. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation of being given a terrible diagnosis, or been with a family member or friend as the news was delivered, you know how overwhelming that scenario is. The moment the practitioner says words like cancer, HIV, heart failure, diabetes, etc., the…
L’shana Tovah to those who celebrate
Nurses in the News – Let’s Catch Up
Nurses in the News – Let’s play catch up here with some important information and links… Well it’s been anther couple of pretty stressful weeks. With all of the devastating mass shootings across the country, and COVID rearing it’s ugly head again in several areas. And now we’re seeing the beginnings of a Monkey Pox issue. Hopefully there will be a better response and efforts to contain the outbreak. There’s just never a dull moment for nurses! The Nurses March last month did not receive the media attention most had hoped for but if you follow them on Facebook and IG, they are continuing their efforts and you’ll find out…
Always a Nurse
As Nurses Month comes to a close …. Enjoy! From ZDoggMD
For Robb Elementary…..