As Nurses Month comes to a close soon, we will continue to celebrate 2021 as the Year of the Nurse. It’s also graduation season and we welcome new nurse grads to the world of nursing. This past few months has been one of the most difficult times in history for nurses and all health care workers especially. If we have learned anything, it is that together we can get through this! As we emerge from the pandemic, the world will be forever changed in so many ways, but we will have survived. We must continue to work together and build the best for everyone! It’s time now to embrace the…
5 Ways to Survive Your First Year as a Nurse in 2021
The first year is rough for new nurses even during normal times. Throw an unprecedented pandemic into the mix, and it is enough to make many recent nursing school graduates second-guess their career choice. While nursing school itself is undeniably difficult, it is nothing compared to working in the field. And, in 2021, many new nurses are facing additional challenges brought on by missing out on clinical hours due to COVID-19. Here’s 5 ways to survive your first year as a nurse in 2021. Whether you have already landed the nursing position of your dreams or were forced to accept an offer that wasn’t quite what you wanted so you…