• Patient and Family’s Perspective of Hospice

    As nurses, we understand that hospice is a peaceful way for patients to transition from this world, but what about our patients’ and families’ perspective? I recently had a patient who, over the last few months, had a significant change in her health. She was diagnosed with cancer and ended up with two major surgeries in a three-month time frame. After the second surgery, the patient decided she could no longer endure the pain and wanted a hospice consult.  It was not surprising, as she was elderly, but what surprised me was this patient’s perception of hospice. She truly believed we would be euthanizing her the same way we euthanize…

  • Nurses Writing Patient Education Materials

    Writing patient  educational materials can be a great niche for nurses who love to write and a natural means to grow a freelance career as a nurse writer.  The following article, Nutrition in Pregnancy, by Melissa Murphy RN, is a great example of solid patient education. Patient Education Patient education is a huge part of nursing. Education can begin with the physician or other practitioner, but the major portion of the education falls to the nurses. Be sure to go over the materials with the patient to ensure they understand. Patient education is best when it’s interactive and not just handing the patient something to read. Healthcare literacy is maximized…

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