How much do you know about pain assessment? Pain is the fifth vital sign and should be assessed at least once each shift in facilities, and at each visit fro home care and hospice patients. It’s not always easy to assess pain in patients with cognitive deficiencies. Portraits in Pain offers you several tips to help assess your patient’s pain level and teach caregivers and loved ones how to do this too. I often hear from people upset with hospice care, or those who don’t understand hospice, that their loved one has or had no pain and yet they were given medication for pain. My response to them is to…
Nurses: Tips for Eating Healthy on the Job
This guest post is contributed by Alvina Lopez, who writes on the topics of accredited online schools. She welcomes your comments at her email Id: alvina.lopez Tips for eating healthy on the job Nursing students typically learn about good nutrition and eating habits in college, but the second they graduate and start to work in a real healthcare facility, even the simplest nutrition practices fly out the window. It’s no surprise. The combination of an intense schedule and a hectic atmosphere of a hospital can make “eating right” a very difficult challenge. But there are ways to ensure that that while you’re busy saving lives, you’re helping to keep yours in…
Thanks for the Listing!
Many thanks to Shawn Fisher for mentioning The Nursing Site Blog on the post: 50 Resources for Students Attending Online Nurse Practitioner Schools. (We’re #19- Nurses Health) Many terrific articles here. Great reading!
Keep in Touch With Your Legislators
Now that the election is over, time to contact your legislators with your ideas for the new Congress. Unfortunately we have become so dependent on instant gratification that we often lose sight of the fact that some things can take a long time to fix. Lets just hope the new Congress can actually find some common ground and work on fixing things together. Nurses have a strong voice and should always make their opinions heard. So please don’t go silent. Make your voice heard loud and clear throughout this term. And if you don’t like what’s being done….don’t hesitate to remind them, they too can be voted out of office!
Don’t Forget to VOTE!
It’s election day in the U.S. It’s mid term for President Obama and many congressional seats are expected to shift parties. Please be sure to VOTE. Everyone’s vote counts. And if you don’t believe me, look up the 2000 presidential race. Remember that Freedom Isn’t Free, and so very many have given their lives in wars since the Revolutionary War to see to it that we remain a free nation and we each have the RIGHT to VOTE. Women have only had that right to vote since 1920. With rights come responsibilities. Be an informed voter. Know your candidates and the issues. But VOTE!!!!! Nurses have a huge influence in…