I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday! How’s your holiday shopping going? Hope it isn’t stressing you out too much. Stop and enjoy the season! If you’re looking for a card for your staff, fellow nurses or students, I have one available on The Nursing Site. For $5 (through PayPal) you can download and print your own on card stock or even regular paper. Print several, or take the .pdf file to your printer. Take the stress out of wishing your colleagues a happy holiday season!
Happy Thanksgiving!
With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away now, the holiday season is upon us whether we’re ready or not. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and the best of holidays yet to come!! This is never an easy season for nurses. People don’t get well and go home for the holidays. Health care facilities don’t have the opportunity to shut down for a week between Christmas and New Years like my husband’s engineering company always did. In fact, this can be peak season for nurses. Flu season officially starts about mid November and continues well into the new year. Pneumonia seems to run rampant and hospitals fill up.…
Adding Content to The Nursing Site
I have begun the tedious task of adding content to The Nursing Site from the old Nursing.About.com. I started with “How to Become a Nurse” articles and have a few others up as well. I estimate this is going to take a few weeks to get it done right so please bear with me, and if you’d like to know when it’s all done, please be sure to subscribe to the feed for this blog, and join the Forum. The links for these are in the sidebar. Many thanks to all of you who have written to encourage me!!!
Update on The Nursing Site
I’ve been given permission to repost my content from About.com and so I will begin to upload as much as I can over the next few days. This will be an ongoing process and I will add new content as well. Thanks for your loyalty. If you have suggestions for content or would like to write a guest article, please Email me at: kathyquan@roadrunner.com. As always, please understand that all content (including artwork and photos) here is copyrighted and if you want to use it in part or in full, you MUST Email me at kathyquan@roadrunner.com for permission first. That includes posting blocks of my text on your blog! It…
Toy Recalls Continue
It’s overwhelming to think about the number of toys that have been recalled in the past few months mostly due to lead content and other safety concerns. Our local news station alerted us to this new Widget that updates with each new recall. (See the sidebar.) I hope it’s helpful to anyone with young children in the home or family. As the holiday buying season moves into high speed with “Black Friday” next week, it’s going to be increasingly difficult to know what to buy for children. Poor Santa really has his hands full this year!