• Simple Spanish for Nurses

    I recently had the honor of reviewing a terrific resource book for health care professionals who treat Spanish speaking patients. Ahora Hablo Medical Edition Simple Steps to Communicate with Spanish-Speaking Patients is just that…. a simple to use guide. Written by a high school Spanish teacher with the assistance of nurses and a doctor, this guide provides easy to use phrases and simple sentences to assist the health care professional in a head to toe assessment and basic patient teaching. It doesn’t take the place of an interpreter, but in a pinch it can certainly help to put your patients at ease and get the basic vital information to start…

  • More Nursing Scholarships for 2008… Apply NOW!

    Clinique cosmetics is offering nursing scholarships for the 2nd year in a row in their campaign to contribute to the future of healthcare. Clinique was created by a group of dermatologists who understand first hand the shortages the health care industry is facing as well as the high cost of health care education. Scholarships for BSN students will be awarded in the amount of $5000 to $6000. To qualify the student must be (or will be) attending any BSN program in the U.S. which is accredited by the NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission). The student must be eligible to receive financial aid, have a 3.0 GPA (on a…

  • Nurses Week Approaching

    Nurses Day and Nurses Week are rapidly approaching. I hope you and your facility have something exciting planned to honor your nursing staff. If not, it’s not to late to set something up. Remember, you cannot expect unrealistic goals and outcomes. This is not a time when the administration is going to grant huge raises, or tell you they’ve been able to hire many more nurses to relieve your staffing issues. Even if they forgo the trinkets, you’re not going to see that money suddenly become a huge budget for raises and benefits. So be gracious and accept that water bottle or key chain as a token of their appreciation…

  • A Tribute to Nurses

    A Nurse Is MoreĀ©Richard G. Shuster (used with permission) A Nurse is more, Why?Though nobody, can say why, for sure,Nurse’s desire, for service, is pure.Not for themselves, it has to be for others.A life dedicated, to their sisters and their brothers. A Nurse is more, How?Through reserves, of strength, care and love,Nurses take their lead, from the power above.Above and beyond, their duty comes first.Their patient’s needs paramount, before even hunger and thirst. A Nurse is more, When?When we need them the most, at our times of ill,Nurses come through, with their care and goodwill.When we feel we can’t go on, and wish, to give up the ghost.That’s when our…

  • Nursing Site Social Network

    I am setting up a new Nursing Site Social Network. Check it out and invite your friends and colleagues to join. It’s a work in progress….Visit The Nursing Site Network