Beginning Monday, May 5, the American Nurses Association asks all nurses to call, Email, or FAX their Senators and Representatives and encourage them to honor nurses during Nurses Week (May 6-12) by co-sponsoring the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act of 2007 (S.73/H.R.4138). The bill was introduced in the Senate by Daniel Inoye (D-HI) and in the House by Lois Capps (D-CA) and Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL). (Rep. Capps is an RN.) According to the ANA, this bill would hold hospitals accountable to establish “valid, reliable, unit-level nurse staffing plans.” The plans would be developed by direct-care RNs and would be based on the unique needs and characteristics of the unit. Encourage…
Around the Web Today…
RN Central published a list of 100 Really REALLY Useful Websites for Nurses. We didn’t make the list, so we’ll have to try harder, but it is a great list of resources. Check it out. (I fixed the link…I hope) My friend Aaron has redesigned the Ultimate Nurse website and it’s really fantastic. If you haven’t seen it, be sure to visit. There’s a very active forum and lots of information. If you’re interested in travel nursing it’s a must see site! For more news on the travel nursing scene, check out the Highway Hypodermics Ezine page. Epstein always has great tips and information for travel nurses. Her books are…
Skin in the Game (Book Review)
I recently reviewed another great book for my site at called Skin in the Game by John Hammergren and Phil Harkins. The subtitle of the book, How Putting Yourself Today Will Revolutionize Health Care Tomorrow, gives you a window into the topic of the book. This is a terrific book about the evolution of the healthcare industry. It provides terrific insight into how we got to this point and what we need to do to resolve the health care crisis. It’s a must read for anyone studying to be a nurse, and anyone continuing their education into areas such as health care administration or becoming an independent practitioner such…
Review Draft Competencies for Clinical Nurse Specialists
The ANA (American Nurses Assoc.) is asking nurses to review the draft competencies and specific behaviors for entry-level Clinical Nurse Specialists and to take a survey which rates theses items and provides feedback about how these competencies reflect the current practice and academic preparation in your role as a CNS. The information and survey will be available until May 24,2008.
Best Advice for New Nurses
I just posted a question on the Nursing Site Network…. If a new nurse asked you how you survived your first year as a nurse, what would you say helped you the most? Join the Network and give us your best advice. Research says new nurses are the most vulnerable at the six month point until about nine to twelve months. We need to help them stick it out!!! How did you get past this point and live to tell about it? Please share your advice with fellow nurses. Thanks for your time!!!!