Hope everyone has a great Nurses Week. Today is also School Nurses Day (the Wed. of Nurses Week). Student Nurses Day is Friday, May 8, and of course May 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale who got us all into this (nursing) in the first place! Enjoy! Take pride in what you do and how you make a difference for someone everyday! The official 2009 theme for ANA is Nurses: Building a Healthy America…. please continue to weigh in with your opinions about a National Nurse, and contact your legislators to make it happen!!(Scroll down to the next oldest post.) If you forgot and need some…
We Need a National Nurse NOW!
The WHO raised the swine flu pandemic alert to a 5 (out of6) and changed the name to Influenza A (H1N1) as the poor pigs are getting a bad rap from this one. Although it is now believed that the first case in Mexico may have been a young boy who contracted it from a pig and it mutated to a human to human transmission from there. There has been a call to all nurses to be alert to the public health crisis looming as the swine flu spreads across the U.S. Wouldn’t this be a perfect time to have a National Nurse? And a corps of nurses prepared and…
Nurses Week May 6-12
Suggestions for your celebration: “At the end of the day, I can truly say I made a difference in someone’s life. And that is why I am a nurse!” (©2009 Kathy Quan RN BSN) is the theme for my Nurses Week Print Your Own Kits. (The picture at left is the 2009 design.) The kit includes a bookmark, a Nurses Day card, a Nurses week card, a post card and a certificate of appreciation. It also includes a paper nurse’s hat which requires cutting out and stapling together. The kit sells for $10 through Paypal. I will email you the .pdf files to Print your Own copies. You can order…
iPhone Applications for Nurses
The iPhone and Blackberry have served to replace the need for PDA’s, but many nurses have held on to these devices because of the handheld applications available to them. Now the iPhone has many of the same or similar applications available for nurses to download and use. Jimmy at OnlineNursingDegreeGuide.org sent me a link to the blog about 25 of these applications. Check them out. If you have an iTouch instead of an iPhone, be sure to see if they can be used on it instead. Many iPhone applications do work on the iTouch as well. Having information available at your fingertips is a helpful thing. These items most likely…
Denture Adhesive Creams Can Cause ZInc Poisoning
Patient education is a huge part of the nurse’s job and usually this involves providing information and instructions regarding new medications, procedures or treatments. Next time you assess a patient and discover they have dentures, don’t just skim over this. Stop and question them about how well they fit, the type of adhesive they use, how much they use and whether they have experienced any symptoms of neuropathy since using denture adhesive creams. In a recent interview with Eric Chaffin, Esq. of Bernstein Liebhard LLP, I discovered a little known fact about the risks of denture adhesive creams and consumer injuries. Most denture adhesive creams contain zinc. Overuse of these…