Hope everyone has a s safe and happy 4th of July….and for those of you who aren’t in the U.S……have a great Saturday!!! Anyone who’s working…enjoy the holiday with your patients.
Image by tattoodjj via FlickrThe Nursing Site Blog now has its own URL: www.thenursingsiteblog.com. You might need to reset your bookmarks. Thanks for reading!
What a day! RIP Farrah and Michael. There are some nasty rumors of other deaths today too, and I certainly hope they are just nasty rumors. It has been enough. And Ed McMahon just days ago. As many hospice nurses will note, the bus comes and many usually go within hours or a few days. This has always been a Hollywood superstition, and this week we lost some really great people and stars! May they be at peace and their loved ones full of happy memories to keep them alive forever.
How is the Recession Impacting Your Career?
Cathy Duchamp is an award winning freelance radio reporter who is looking to interview a few nurses for an upcoming story on NPR (National Public Radio) for their Marketplace program. The topic is the impact of the recession on the nursing shortage. For example, is the Great Recession temporarily slowing down the nursing shortage? If anyone fits one of the following categories and would be willing to be interviewed for this program, please email Cathy Duchamp at cathyduchamp at hotmail.com. Here are the categories of nurses Cathy is looking for: an *experienced* nurse who’s coming back to the field from retirement or one who’s decided to delay retirement due to…
Ready for the Next Level in Your Education and Career?
Nurses who are looking to take their career and education to the next level may be interested in online learning and degree opportunities. eLearners.com, one of our sponsors, has provided some interesting information in an article entitled “Resuscitate Your Career with an Online Nursing Degree.”