I’ll admit that I love to people watch. However, it has been a frightening thing lately because I have overheard far too many conversations with young people talking about wanting to become nurses, but there are no jobs. The recession may have slowed the nursing shortage a bit, because so many older nurses have come out of retirement or semi retirement, but the nursing shortage is poised to be an even bigger problem as a result if all those nurse decide to make a mass exodus once the economy recovers. New grads may have difficulty finding jobs right now in some markets, but if they expand their options, there are…
Need Some Translation for that Term?
If you have heard a medical term, phrase, acronym, etc., that you’re not sure of, there’s a site you might want to check out called SlangRN.com. Items are well categorized by the “latest” “top slang” and “random”. There’s also an alphabetized list and a tab for anyone to add to the ever growing list.
Happy 4th of July
Hope everyone has a s safe and happy 4th of July….and for those of you who aren’t in the U.S……have a great Saturday!!! Anyone who’s working…enjoy the holiday with your patients.
Image by tattoodjj via FlickrThe Nursing Site Blog now has its own URL: www.thenursingsiteblog.com. You might need to reset your bookmarks. Thanks for reading!
What a day! RIP Farrah and Michael. There are some nasty rumors of other deaths today too, and I certainly hope they are just nasty rumors. It has been enough. And Ed McMahon just days ago. As many hospice nurses will note, the bus comes and many usually go within hours or a few days. This has always been a Hollywood superstition, and this week we lost some really great people and stars! May they be at peace and their loved ones full of happy memories to keep them alive forever.