• Everyone Helps in a Crisis

    Remember to be careful and don’t get scammed into donating money in bogus plots to help Haiti. Check out the sources and give to legitimate charities. UPS is NOT shipping for free and American Airlines is not taking nurses and doctors to Haiti for free. Reliable sources such as NPR Radio have lists of legit ways to help out. For nurses who are not able to volunteer their services, remember that monetary donations as well as helping to cover for those who can go is just as necessary and helpful. There will be many jobs that need to be covered so that active nurses can leave their jobs for a…

  • Call for Interviews

    I received a request from a fellow nurse and freelance writer, Linda Hepler BSN, RN. (Google her she’s written some excellent articles!) She’s working on an article now about spring uniform fashion and needs some input from nurses who wear uniforms such as what do you look for in fit, fashion and features, etc. I don’t wear a uniform, but if I did, I know it would be about comfort and having a lot of useful pockets and probably long sleeves because I’m usually cold. I know many of you wear the scrubs your facility provides or requires, but what would you change about them, or what do you like…

  • Time Management for Nurses

    Nurses have to be organized! If you aren’t, you’re going to struggle and be stressed more than usual by the job no matter what field you work in, such as a hospital, clinic, home health or at a desk type job. Most nurses are over achievers which can usually mean one of two things; they are extremely organized or entirely scattered. Most new nurses have difficulty with organization and time management skills in transitioning from students to the real world. Time management skills are a must for nurses. I have written extensively on the subject. In my book, The Everything New Nurse Book, I devoted a whole chapter to the…

  • Passing the NCLEX

    The winter holidays are over and it’s back to work and school. Hope you had a good time! Congratulations to those of you who recently graduated from nursing school or will be doing so soon. The next step will be to pass your NCLEX exam. Here’s a couple of links to some advice to help you calm your nerves and get you passed this step easily: Tips on Answering Nursing Board Exam QuestionsNCLEX Page (on The Nursing Site) Remember, you passed and completed your education. Now you just have to show what you learned…. you’ll do fine!!!