About Kathy Quan

Kathy Quan RN BSN PHN

Kathy Quan RN BSN PHNKathy is the owner, CEO and publisher of TheNursingSite.com. She has been an RN for over 45 years, and retired from active nursing in 2022 to continue writing and advocating for nurses. Most of those years as a nurse were spent in home health care and hospice where she held many roles and wore many hats such as a field nurse, a nursing supervisor, branch manager, staff educator, and quality and compliance officer.

Kathy has always loved to write.  Her first book was The Everything New Nurse Book which sold so well that it has a Second Edition. You can order it now from Amazon. Kathy has written 10 books to date. They are all available on Amazon.com in paperback, and most are also available in Kindle format.

The Everything Guide to Caring for Aging Parents draws from her experiences in home health and hospice where she has worked with a largely geriatric population. Kathy also writes a blog for those experiencing the sandwich generation: AboutAgingParents.com

As a home health and hospice nurse for over 35 years, Kathy also manages 2 sites for home health professionals HomeHealth101.com and HouseCalls-Online.com.

In 2015, Kathy Quan published her 7th book, Exploring the Home Health Care Experience; A Guide to Transitioning Your Career Path.

Kathy also writes for a variety of websites and blogs. Check out her personal website, Kathy Quan.com  to find out more about Kathy Quan and her books, freelance writing, websites, speaking engagements, webinars and summits, and podcasts.


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All of Kathy’s books are available on Amazon.com or from her personal website: KathyQuan.com.

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